Sunday, September 16, 2012

And your final answer is....

Talking about every ones favorite issue...abortion!

Romney insists his position is clear, which is news to everybody.  - Jason Linkins, The Huffington Post  (read!!!! And watch the video too!)

The issue of abortion, simple enough, right?   "I am pro-life and believe that abortion should be limited to only instances of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother" is Mitt Romney stance. It discusses how the verbiage of his stance has changed time to time and really can't seem to make up his mind. Discussing Romney, Paul Ryan and Todd Akin, he divulges thoughts from the candidate and company that could potentially harm women's health.
Mitt Romney has been flip floping this issue for quite some time now. Going back and forth on whether or not his interest lies with the health of the women, or the health of the unborn, undeveloped child. In this article you can find information dating back to 2007 discussing Romney's issues on abortion.
My question is, is the health of women, and the care of that child after it were to be born one of Romney's main concerns? Since the words 'health of women' was added to his statement after already having have made it, I'm going to assume no. Romney has declared himself a supporter of  The Human Life Amendment, which has clearly stated that it will protect the life of an unborn child, which would then over turn the Roe vs. Wade decision.
So Romney, you do, you don't, or you kind of stand by the Republican stance on abortion? Because I think we would all like to final answer soon enough.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tsunami in History


I can't believe it took nearly 60 years for women to be able to vote. A BASIC human right, to have a say in who leads our country and to vote on things that concern ALL people, women and men alike. You read the things about the first wave (voting) and then the second wave, which is about equal rights and pay in the work place, or women being able to work at all in the same work place as men. Just because we have what seems  like equal rights in the work place, doesn't mean we do. During the third wave, it almost seems like we are conditioned to think that we can vote, we can work with men, we're equal, thank you ladies! But its almost too far from that. Not all young women take advantage of what we have worked for today. Not to mention that the society we live in now is incredibly sexist, and growing worse. 

So to prevent myself from spewing out a rant. I think it's important to understand that we have come far, this is true, and bravo to the women who helped us get to where we are today. But it is also important to understand that we are not finished, we still have plenty of work to do.
"Soujourner Truth often encountered men who said that women were weak and they needed to be helped into carriages and lifted over ditches. I have ploughed and planted and been gathered into barns and no man could head me! Ain't I a woman!"

I just really enjoyed that bit from the article. :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fear of Feminism

Fear of Feminism - Lisa Maria Hogeland


"Neither wholly cynical nor wholly apathetic, women who fear feminism fear consequences. Think harder, act more carefully; feminism requires that you enter a world supersaturated with meaning, with implications....Fear of feminism is also fear of complexity, fear of thinking, fear of ideas- we live, after all, in a profoundly anti-intellectual culture"

"Feminism requires an expansion of the self - an expansion of empathy, interest, intelligence, and responsibilty across differences, histories, cultures, ethnicities, sexual identities, otherness."

"Women have real reasons to fear feminism, and we do young women no service if we suggest to them that feminism itself is safe. It is not. To stand opposed to to your culture, to be critical of institutions, behaviors, discourses, when it is so clearly not in your immediate interest to do so - asks a lot of a young person, or any person."

This is an incredibly powerful article. By reading the title, one could only assume that we fear feminism. But do we fear feminism? Or do we fear the backlash that comes with it? The judgement?  I have identified as a feminist a few times before, but without an actual, real grasp of the term. This article hits the nail on the head directly. I can't help but agree with this article fully.

The first quote, while it may be deemed offensive is completely true. Hogeland is preparing women and men reading this article what to expect in the 'world' of feminism, and in the second quote, what is expected of the person who declares themselves as a feminist.  To me, it also explains the beauty of feminism. The strength and, quoted directly, self expansion, that is required. To open your mind up to so many different things is a great accomplishment, and also a great challenge. It talks about the constant questioning you will be doing with yourself and of society as a whole if you are expanding yourself as a feminist.

The third quote is my favorite. Hogeland is telling you that you have good reason to fear feminism. The thought of being critiqued by your surroundings, your peers, your family, and again, society as a whole is a scary thing. The thought of challenging something that you may have been doing or thinking since you were a child is scary. Feminism takes brave women and men to call people and society out, brave or not, that is still a scary, but empowering thing.